The JQ joins 64 Million Artists

How do you start your new year? 

There’s no right or wrong way but when the holiday season seems to stretch to 2 weeks, for many workers, it can sometimes be hard to get back into the groove.

This year, Quartermasters have been following the prompts created by 64 Million Artists in their annual January Challenge.  The challenge seems like the wrong word for this activity as, in effect, you are being invited to dip in and out of creative prompts for the month.

Whilst we have taken part individually in the past, this year we are taking part as a collective.  It is a pilot by City of Birmingham Curator Alex Nicholson-Evans for city wide involvement in 2026.  You can read more about their thinking here 64 Million Artists - The January Challenge - Colmore Business District

There is a lot of support from 64 Million Artists, and we have been attending the weekly meet-ups online for community champions and the general Monday morning meeting that provides a space for the first prompt of the week.

Last Thursday, we held our first “Make and Take” session at The Jewellers Arms; the pub is very community-minded with last Thursday seeing their first cheese night of the year, a running group and us all sharing the space.

As the first week of prompts is very word-based we made zines about:

  • how and why we are in the Jewellery Quarter,

  • why we are awesome

  • what did you spend your first pay packet on

We had some great responses. Look out for these zines across the Jewellery Quarter this week; fill one in yourself and share with us using the hashtag #JQZINE, and don’t forget the #64millionartiststhejanuarychallenge

We will be back at the Jewellers every Thursday in January, soft drinks will be provided alongside a small snack.  We will also run a day-long craft drop on Saturday, the 18th of January, in spaces around the JQ.

If you would like to participate, follow us on Social Media (Instagram) and 64 million artists.  The prompts may be in January, but we will use them throughout the year to bring weekly creativity to the Jewellery Quarter.


Schmaltz: You Light Up My Life


Art in the Park Leamington